Thursday, October 9, 2008

HTC 4300

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CelluarOne's HTC 4300 is a great addition to their current lineup. The HTC smartphone that utilizes a full Qwerty keyboard and is also based off of the popular Windows Mobile 5 OS. The HTC 4300 is very similar to the MDA, in fact I think they're based off of the same platform, but none the less the HTC 4300 is quite the looker. For a phone that houses such features such as web browsing, picture messaging, memory card expansion slot, wifi, bluetooth, and a video recorder you would expect to be lugging around a computer. That's not the case with the HTC 4300 since it is complied nicely into a sleek and subtle phone. The HTC 4300 is currently available for about $479 from Cellular one of San Luis Obispo and for what you get with the phone, I would recommend this unit to any smart phone fanatic that uses CellularOne.

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